Matter Eater Lad

I was just thinking today about what super hero I would most like to write. There are the biggies (Constantine, Swamp Thing, Animal Man) but the character I’d actually really like to write is Legion of Super Heroes alumn Matter Eater Lad from planet Bismoll. His super power? He can …

Metal Art

Went out for Mexican food for lunch today and ran across an art fair. Most of it was the usual landscape or nature paintings, hand-made jewelry and other art fair stuff. But one dude was selling some phenomenally cool metal artwork. It was cool enough that I had to stop …

Latest scripts

Just finished two scripts. One for comic that will be given away at SDCC this year and another for a yet to be announced digital series. Both are pretty exciting. The SDCC comic is based on an FPS MMO coming out this summer called Line of Defense. Space marines. Big …

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