
ReVisioned: Tomb Raider An animated series I developed based on Tomb Raider, featuring the creative efforts of comic luminaries like Warren Ellis, Jim Lee, Ivan Reis, Gail Simone, Brian Pulido, and others. 10 episodes of Tomb Raider adventure for it’s 10th anniversary. 10 Years of Tomb Raider A globe spanning 10 …


Synopsis: Bobby is a freshman in college. He misses his highschool popularity and he’ll do anything to make new friends. A satirical comparison of the health films of the 40’s and contemporary conservative values, “Popularity” is social education for today. UPDATE: I wrote that description 20 years ago. I can’t …

Gun Violence PSA

I was short on funds but wanted to make a really, really pro looking item for my reel, so I settled on a 30 second PSA. Gun violence was a big deal in DC at the time (when isn’t it?) so I did this PSA. I actually accept we have a …

Pocatello Jones

This was a labor of love. An attempt by me and a bunch of people in the video program to do our own half hour comedy series. My writing partner, Quinn Pritchard, and I wrote 6. Some of it is pretty damn funny if I say so myself. Three got …


A film school project. This one I kind of still like. It was truly an experiment. I had this awesome little camera from Fischer-Price, the Pixel Vision 2000. Shot super grainy, high contrast video that only filled the center 2/3 of the screen and had a black background around it. …

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