Category: Missives
Merry Christmas!
Halloween Decorations 2016
Added a gate to hell this year, brought back out the giant spider and set up with extra fog machines for extra spookiness.
Gate to Hell Halloween Decorations
The new addition this year is a gate to hell. Still experimenting with it – purple vs red light, for example. If I were really committed, I’d dig a hole. But the raccoons kinda take care of that for me.
2016 30 Days of Halloween Movies
Every year I make a list of 30 horror movies to watch in October. A countdown of sorts. My rules are that at least 15 have to be movies I’ve never seen (although it can be more) but only 15 can be movies I’ve seen before and want to watch …
David Cronenberg’s Shivers
Been digging deep into the Cronenberg back catalog and rediscovered Shivers, a film that could pretty much only be made by Cronenberg and only in the sexed up 70s. A crazy doc develops a sexually transmitted parasite with the hopes that it will kickstart a free love ongoing orgy. The …