Ricardo Sanchez

TCM: Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein

I love classic movies and the old Universal Horror films in particular. TCM Events presented a Frankie double feature as a prelude to Halloween with Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein on the big screen.

I’ve loved these movies since I was a kid, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them on a big screen. They were amazing. Boris Karloff is, well, fabulous and so much more empathetic when his face is 8 feet tall.

There were a few people in the audience who’d never seen the films. Was so fascinating to hear their reactions during intermission. Two women on their 20s were absolutely horrified when the monster meets the girl. (No spoiler in case you don’t know) Considering how tame it is by modern standards just shows how great these movies were.

They are running again this week I think. Totally worth seeing.

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